by Mark Presson | Oct 30, 2023 | Microblog, NEWS
The disciple John is often described as ‘the one who Jesus loved’. In his own book, he describes himself that way 6 times (for example, in John 13: 23). Most people agree that John was the youngest of the 12 disciples and the others were therefore like big brothers to...
by Mark Presson | Oct 23, 2023 | Uncategorised
Tent Mission ( is a Christian Non-Profit organization committed to serving children and the community. We provide this No-Responsibility Disclaimer to clarify our position on various matters: Legal Responsibility: Tent Mission is not a legal entity, and...
by Mark Presson | Sep 26, 2023 | NEWS
PROGRESS REPORT ON THE AWANA-SOHG BIBLE TEACHING PROGRAMME I wish to extend warm greetings to the Star of Hope family all around the world with special appreciation to our dear Supporters. May God richly bless you for your labor of love to the poor and the...
by Mark Presson | Aug 24, 2023 | NEWS
Today, on Ukraine’s Independence Day, we are releasing the music video of the Ukrainian version of Star of Hope’s campaign song “We will pray for Ukraine”! Artist and social aid worker Mark Sergeyev recorded За Україну я молюсь earlier this...
by Mark Presson | Jun 27, 2023 | NEWS
Star of Hope Kenyas Church is the Word of Life Faith Church Report – Rising to the Occasion In the recent past, Kenya has witnessed controversial televangelists practicing extreme cult activities that have led to the deaths of over 200 followers (including...