Dano Christian Education Program

Dano Christian Education Program

Tent Mission, Star of Hope, and Star of Hope Haiti love this, the Dano Christian Education Program is going very well. This year we will add a third country, Kenya to our child Christian Education Program, in partnership with Awana. Our founder, Erik Gunnar Eriksson...
Pastor Terry – Refined like Silver

Pastor Terry – Refined like Silver

Refined like Silver The author of Psalm 66 recalls a recent season of God’s intervention in his life, and in the lives of his community. Between verses 8 – 12, the psalmist speaks vividly of a difficult time when God ‘tested them’. Whatever they experienced, it felt...
Update 2021- ROMANIA

Update 2021- ROMANIA

REPORT 2021 STAR OF HOPE ROMANIA – photos and text Star of Hope Romania First of all, let us thank you for the love and support that offer to the children in need! God bless you all! Here is a list of accomplishments for some of 2021 BIBLE CLASS In this time of...
New images and information from Haiti. School start.

New images and information from Haiti. School start.

Here are some new images and information from Haiti, this time from the schools starting back up. This time the photos are from Dano. Dano school, the leaders expected 550 children from preschool to high school, but yesterday 475 were present. The kids received the...
Video report from Haiti

Video report from Haiti

Video report from Haiti “Blessing and thanks” is what the Men, Women, and even the children are saying to you the donors! Thanks to you and people who bought a food box we could, in spite of dangers, get the food delivered! See the video report and...