Friend the meat of the matter is this, our sister organization, “Star of Hope” is forced to talk about feeding fewer children, or feeding children less. It is hard to grab the Gospel on an empty stomach.
Hunger threatens Haiti’s children, continued violent protests, gaping empty store shelves, burned cars, closed schools, injured and dead. So it has been in Haiti during the first months of this year. The ravages have expired, but the root of the evil remains and – there is not enough food and children go hungry. We are in need of about 170 new lunch buddies at just 20 dollars a month. Is there any chance it is you?

Keeping hunger at bay is one of the pillars of the Hope Star’s activities!
In countries such as Haiti, the school lunch often is the only real meal that children get daily. No one survives without food, and even the hunger in itself poses a threat to our children’s future.
Let’s help the children where they are, right. Read the facts here and the backstory!
Star of Hope and Tent Mission will come and visit your area and report, you can help by being a host? If you can help out, please let our CEO know, call 866 653 0321 and ask for Mark Presson.
Give us a hand, become a Lunch buddy now – CLICK to ACT!

Mark Presson CEO
Large gifts are needed, Are you giving over $1,000 now call CEO Mark Presson 620 204 18 six five |