Our Authority in Christ

Our Authority in Christ

Do our prayers make a difference? We have probably all asked that question, from time to time. Or at least allowed the thought to meander through our minds. The good news is that we have been given spiritual authority, not only to pray but to do many other things as...
A Passion for the Gospel

A Passion for the Gospel

What do you love most about being a Christian? The peace, the joy, the sense of purpose? Being part of a faith community? Many would answer the fellowship, the love and care they have for one another. Some might describe their new life in Christ as one wonderfully...
Pray for Ukraine Music Video

Pray for Ukraine Music Video

This music and video were produced in Sweden on Star of Hope International’s behalf for release on the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, here is some background on how it came to be. Simon Ådahl became familiar to many Swedes, Europeans,...
Pastor Terry with Traditions

Pastor Terry with Traditions

After Paul and Barnabas had returned from their first missionary journey, they rested in Antioch for a while until some unexpected visitors showed up. ‘Men from Judea’ had traveled all the way from Jerusalem to share some concerns about the growing church. “Unless you...

Visual report our work in the war zone.

Above a man thanking you the donors! He says God bless you! Please see the videos below and you are correct, not much text in this article. Please just look at some of the videos we have published over the last 6 weeks. All with the Ukrainian war in the center. On...
A Passion for the Gospel

The Fear of God

“When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead” (Rev 1: 17) I love C.S.Lewis’ choice of an animal to represent Jesus in his Narnia series of stories. Aslan is a talking lion, described as the King of Beasts the son of the Emperor-over-the-sea. In Narnia, he is the...