Ripples on the water from the war in Ukraine.
As we are entering the second month of the war between Russia and Ukraine, it is now having a rippling effect on the rest of the world.
Both Ukraine and Russia are big producers of grain amongst other things and the cost of what normally is affordable food is now going up everywhere in the world.
Unfortunately, the ones that are suffering the most are the poor. The ones that already find it hard to feed their children have now been put in an even harder position, again.
According to the UN, at least 45 underdeveloped countries are dependent on grain, oil, tea, fruit, and fertilizer from the region of Russia and Ukraine. Due to the war and the sanctions made on Russia the rise in the prices of the most basic of products is having a devastating effect on the poor countries in the world. Most of these countries have already struggled through the effects of Covid on top of their own problems and now things have quickly become worse.
Star of Hope is constantly in contact with our partners in the countries where we work, and we can tell you that the war is having an effect on all of them. One example is Argentina where over the last couple of months the extreme poverty percentage has gone up from 37,7% (officially) affecting the end of January around 17 million people, and today poverty has been measured at over 50%. One of the provinces most affected in Argentina where we work,is Chaco province there, amongst the natives of Toba the extreme poverty percentage lands at over 80% and rising.

A lot of the food we give out is directly affected by price increases like pasta, bread, oatmeal – basically everything made from flour. And as the fuel prices also have risen this is now having an effect on the local produce as farmers are having to raise the prices of their products to make ends meet.
Today we are giving out more than 8000 meals of food in Kenya, Haiti, and Ghana and we are giving out 700 bags of food a month to the natives in Argentina.

We are now reaching out to you as we need more help not only to help the victims of the war but also to help all of our projects with food baskets and school lunches to help the children and their families.
As a Lunch Buddy where just 1 dollar gives 4 children food for a day, you can make a huge difference to a family by donating on a monthly basis.
At every project, we support the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the basis for the project!
Click here to find out more.
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Acts 20:35
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Be a blessing to a child!
Isabella Zelaya