Stars Dorm is Open

Gani, Lilling, Ulrika, Carina, Lennart, Annica, Maria and Frank all get a piece of the ribbon. A ribbon cutting and a tour of the accommodation, which will be put into use shortly was done.

Tent Mission opens Stars Dorm. Tent missions Maria Presson and Ulrika Kallin with Lilling Corunia in Tay Tay Rizal Manila Philippines. ( the girl in the photo is not part of the project although a student at the school that serves 2000 students daily)
Our “Star Dorm” is right next door to our flagship school in Taytay. That school is having a 30-year celebration this week as well, the school turns 30. The school educates about 2,000 students daily.
The idea of a sheltered accommodation was awakened a few years ago by one of Hope’s Stars’ Philippines manager, Liling Coruna. She has met many vulnerable girls over the years and wanted to help them. “Imagine if we could build a house where vulnerable girls could come and sleep – first and foremost”, was her thought.
Too many girls in the Philippines are sexually exploited and various types of terrible abuse are common in the slum areas, this includes Taytay where we have our school and project. Unfortunately and sickening, the abusers are at times from the same family, or near to the family. Unbelievable but true.

Ulrika with students of the school.
There is hope, we will help those we can. Through generous donations from the near and far we could inaugurate Star Dorm, it is a blessing.
Ulrika Kallin says “We will do what we can to help the girls, we will engage in their recovery and help them move into a healthy and productive lifestyle.”
Many thanks to all individuals, organizations, and companies who donated to this project.
For the record, the building is finished, yet we still need help with the furnishings. Beds, linen, furniture, kitchen items, and so much more.