Tent Mission and AWANA partner up so more kids are reached

Awana is passionately committed to providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship opportunities for children ages 2-18. As a global leader in child and youth discipleship, Awana empowers children to know, love, and serve Jesus, regardless of their background. Their methods are constantly evolving to meet the unique needs of each community. We hope to soon offer this program to the 20,000+ children we support in 14 countries, in partnership with our founding organization, Tent Mission.
We are currently running a pilot project in Haiti with Pastor Reginald Celestin, who serves as the liaison between Awana International and Star of Hope Haiti. He reports, “Thanks to the knowledge, diligence, and support of our trainers, trainees, and project areas, we will serve approximately 3,340 children this school year, with a primary focus on the 730 kindergarten children.” This is truly a remarkable mission—one that is Bible-based and that we, and you, can wholeheartedly support!
Knowing your heart shares our passion for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and knowing you desire to do something impactful, we invite you to partner with us. We have the infrastructure in place; what we need now is prayer and financial support to print Awana books and other materials. Our goal is to bring Awana to all our children and beyond!
Here is Pastor Reggie’s report:
Star of Hope is an educational organization that supports and provides pre-primary through secondary education in several impoverished villages in Haiti. Due to the nation’s lack of adequate schooling and pervasive poverty, a proper education often seems like an unattainable dream for many Haitian children. Even when families can afford school, they frequently go unpaid for days at a time. Our organization hopes to eliminate these hardships and develop sustainable, positive educational environments for our youth.
I began working with the Star of Hope Haiti Foundation in January 2018 as a consulting pastor. My responsibilities include overseeing the implementation of Christian education in schools and strengthening the spiritual growth of local churches. This role has enabled me to organize a conference for teachers from near and far who are part of our network of projects. The conference was held at the Star of Hope Haiti Foundation office in Marin, Haiti, from September 4-6, between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.
Our seven project areas—Jeanton, Boyer, Rigaud, Bois Negresse, Dano, Marigot, and Hess—were all represented at the conference. We also extended invitations to Bouvier, Carrefour, and Cavaillon. With the exception of Jeanton and Dano, which each sent four representatives, each project area sent three: the school principal, the head kindergarten teacher, and the Sunday school director from each church. Our two AWANA trainers, Baby Nicolas and Ruth Petit Frère, did a fantastic job with the attendees. They are highly skilled in working with children and training adults to do the same.
Each day of the conference was fun, engaging, and meaningful. As a Christian organization, we began each day with prayer and praise and worship, modeling how we will teach the children in our care. Participants were then encouraged to embrace their inner child for two days to fully learn, grow, and experience the AWANA program. Three meals were provided daily during the conference, and Myrtha Dor and her kitchen team did an exceptional job of cooking and creating a welcoming atmosphere.
On the third day, participants had the opportunity to put their new knowledge into practice with a group of 20 children from Love Community Home, an orphanage in Carrefour, Haiti. These children, accompanied by three advisors, traveled by bus to join us for this practical training session. The orphanage, run by Guy and Merline Vincent, also operates a school for local children who cannot afford other educational opportunities.
Upon arrival, the children were given lunch and time to play in the courtyard. They were overjoyed. They were then divided into age groups and participated in AWANA training sessions. Afterward, the trainees recognized the students for their excellent efforts and participation. Star of Hope provided each of the 20 children with a school bag and supplies for the upcoming school year. Every trainee also received a certificate of completion for their hard work and participation.
Due to the knowledge, diligence, and support of our trainers, trainees, and project areas of service, we will service approximately 3,340 children this school year with the emphasis being put mostly on the 730 kindergarten children. It was an honor to coordinate and attend this event.
Regular follow-ups will be made throughout the school year to monitor the effect of the AWANA materials and also a WhatsApp group has been created with all the participants from the different projects to share experiences and benefits of the AWANA tools. Jeanton has been chosen as the pilot project and the AWANA materials will be tested in both the school and the church we will start with The AWANA Children’s Club that will meet every Saturday morning from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
We did it! Thanks to your generous support, all seven projects will start the Christian education program at the earliest age of the children this year. Your gift provides critical support for our organization to apply Proverbs 22:6 “Train up (Catechize) a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
“Boys and girls are future community leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and so much more. Research has shown that investing in children has ripple effects through a community, so if you want to change a country, you start with the children.
On behalf of all of us at Star of Hope Haiti, all project representatives and all the Children, we thank you again for supporting the AWANA Seminar.
Sincerely, Reginald Celestin
Consulting Pastor for Star of Hope
Pastor Reginald states we are reaching many more kids than we thought, we want to reach even more but we need your help to bring the gospel to the children!
You can get involved and help us reach more children.
Call us! 620 564 3355